Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Raimund Liam and Rafaele Ethan Dano

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to photograph my good friend Reynald's new twin baby boys as they were Baptized. I have to tell you, these are the most well behaved babies I have ever seen!! Not only are they quite adorable and handsome, but they are such good babies, they never cry!! they just take it all in and go with the flow.

Thanks for having me there Rey and Alissa, you are truly blessed. Check out the slideshow.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Cherae!

A couple of weeks ago, I shot an amazing 18th Birthday Party for Cherae Bagnol. As a Photographer one of the perks of being on the sideline observing is you get to see the interactions and gestures during the party. All I can say is that with the amount of love and support Cherae received this evening, I have no doubt that she will be very successful in life in whatever she decides to do. Happy Birthday Cherae!

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